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I have been a body therapist, shamanic practitioner and an energy healer for many years. During my pregnancy I was inspired to study towards being a birth educator, and I’ve run woman’s circles for 13 moons.
I became a mother 5 months before the Covid pandemic started. I’d already been a lone parent from 4 months into the pregnancy. The isolation hit me hard. Once I became a mother I became disconnected from my social circle and felt alone. It got the point that, by the time the first lock-down started I didn’t have to make many adjustments to my life with my 5-month-old baby. I realised how important it was to make space to share compassionately with other mothers, to listen and empathise with them.
Through my inner work I re-connected with my power as a woman and a mother. I embarked on a much needed healing journey that allowed me to evolve in this new relationship with my child. My journey into motherhood inspired me so profoundly. My lived experience and my background as a healer have led me to feel inspired to work with women, especially with mothers with my Doula work and with Mother Circles.
I can’t wait to offer this work and help women heal collectively, at all stages of motherhood.
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Mother Circles
Women Circles for support and empowerment
Outdoor Nature Connection Mother Circles dates: 24th of April, 29th of May, 19th of June, 31st of July, from 11am to 1pm
at The Salinsbury Centre In Edinburgh
Bookings by donations:
hit the Get in Touch button to ask for more details
Motherhood would be a very different experience if women came together, supported each other, inspired one another and empowered themselves in a safe compassionate space. Imagine how more supportive and less overwhelming it would be!
If we were in community, there would be space for mothers to grow as women, follow their passions and find their vocation. Our children would have a more secure attachment to their care providers, and be more independent and secure when they leave the nest.
But right now, motherhood can be isolating. ESPECIALLY if you became a mother in the pandemic. You might have struggled to find a community, cultivate interests, or socialise with or without your children. You might feel drained, anxious, demotivated. Perhaps you are blaming yourself for not being a perfect parent right now. Even in ‘normal’ times it can be hard for mothers to find time and energy for self care. And let’s not forget that sense of guilt when we do take time out for ourselves.
The truth is that when you make a point to replenish your energy, prioritise your own healing process, re-connect with yourself and with others, you are able to show up for your children – and yourself – in an healthier and more imaginative way.
When the mama thrives, the children thrive too.
Mother Circles are designed to create a safe space that often cannot be provided by our partners or families. We can heal if we connect with people walking the same path who share our inclination to go deeper.Together we can rekindle that spark to facilitate healing, carve out our purpose as women and mothers. We will identify and heal any wounds that the journey to becoming a motherhood might have left us with.
We will explore topics like how we have been socialised as women in this world, the mestrual cycle, how being a mother effects our relationships, our untold birth stories, the journey of "feeding our babies", exploring our inner-mother power, rituals we can create in our life to support our well being and energy as mothers, and much more.
These Circles have been run indoor and outdoor in a nature connected space in cooperation with The Planetary Healing Centre in their woodland in Balerno. Please drop me a message to find out when the next series of Circles is on and further details on the sessions.
Mothers’ Circles are an invitation for:
New mothers
Experienced mothers, mums of toddlers, multiples or older children
Expecting mothers, at any stage of the pregnancy
Women who feel the call of becoming a mother and are trying to get pregnant naturally or are undergoing fertility treatments
These gatherings have the purpose of identifying, processing and healing old wounds coming from our experience of motherhood, womanhood and even passed on by our ancestors.
This course is not for women or mothers who are seeking medical advice, from Western or traditional medicine, to cure a diagnosed physical or psychological condition.
Massage Therapy
I am a qualified and fully insured massage therapist, trained both in the East at the School of Holistic Therapies in Bali and in the West at the Scottish Massage School.
My massage is holistic and intuitive and aims to bring balance in the body, mind and soul. Since I am a Shamanic practitioner as well, my treatment can be a combination of massage and healing. My tailor-made massage, that sees a unique combination of different techniques, looks at all aspects of being, body, mind and spirit.
Balinese Massage
Balinese massage is a full body, deep tissue, holistic treatment. It uses a combination of gentle stretches, long strokes, acupressure and aromatherapy to stimulate the flow of blood and lymph as well as oxygen and 'chi' (energy) around your body Whether you need some help to relax or you need an uplifting massage, this treatment will help you feel calm but it will also boost your circulation and target knotted tissue to address pain and stiffness in muscles and joints. Also, It brings a sense of well-being, calm and deep relaxation.
Balinese Abdominal Massage
Abdominal massages can help stimulate the muscles and organs of the abdomen, it is a no-invasive manipulation that allows to restore the natural flow of energy in the centre of the body where the emotions and intuitions reside. Abdominal massage is very effective for a number of ailments like IBS, constipation, PMS, anxiety and depression; and it has a powerful healing effect on the lower chakras.
The Mama Package
This special treatment is for women who are going through the motherhood journey and want to release stress and tension in a healing and gentle way. The treatment includes Shoulders and neck massage to release all the tension we build while breastfeeding our babies and toddlers, Abdominal massage to restore balance in the womb after birth and along side our mestrual cycle at any stage of motherhood, Indian head massage to reinvigorate the spirit and clear our mind. This's a restorative pampering treatment to restore balance, energise and bring calm and peace in the body and soul.
Swedish Deep Tissue
This form of massage uses long strokes and light-to-firm pressure according to the client's needs. It can provide relaxation as well as release of tension deep in the muscles and connective tissues with more forceful pressure.
Side Lying
This is a massage treatment given in all comfort of a side lying position with plenty of pillows and support props for expecting mothers beyond the third month of pregnancy. it can be as deep as needed and as gentle as required and it can be given on the full body the side lying position will not let you miss out any of the important benefits of massages during pregnancy
Therapeutic Massage with Chinese Cupping
This combination of back massage and suction cups helps to bring new blood and lymphatic flow in the muscles especially around the spine. This traditional Chinese Medicine technique is effective at stretching tight fascia and muscles and has an anti-inflammatory and di congesting effect on the body. Cupping is used to relieve back and neck pains, stiff muscles, anxiety, fatigue, migraines, stagnation of energy and to sedate the nervous system. It is also used for unblocking respiratory disorders such as asthma, chest infections, colds, sinusitis. Cupping can leave a temporary mark. The mark is observed to assess the status of the person’s blood. If there is blood stagnation it will show in the form of a red mark. These marks will normally disappear within a week.
Ayurvedic Face Massage
(with neck and shoulder massage)
This is a relaxing and rejuvenating treatment based on the ancient Ayurvedic principles according to which the whole body is mirrored in our face. The therapist will apply gentle pressure on Marma points or vital energy points to help re-balance all body systems. The treatment involves working over the scalp, neck, ears and face with a variety of massage techniques with and without oils. Finally the face is massaged with a Kasa Wand, a traditional Ayurvedic Reflexology tool to help to remove excess toxins and reinforce the beneficial effects of this treatment for localised issues such as headaches, anxiety, sinus congestion, jaw tension and stress.
Feather Stone Energy Healing Work
Using a feather and stones as tools, this work cleanses and balances the energy field removing negative energies. By upholding unconditional love and channelling healing energy and support to you, the energy healing work helps to raise your vibration and remove energetic blockages that keeps you from moving forward. This work keeps your energy field strong, hence supporting you in many ways
The exchange price is on a sliding scale
Full price: £50 for 1 hour, £70 for 90 min
Low income and unemployment rates are available
Drop me a message for bookings or enquiries

Doula work - Pregnancy, birth and post-partum
My solo mother journey inspired me to become a Doula and work with all those mothers who would thrive by having additional support during all stages of their journey. I trained with Conscious Birthing UK. Currently I am focusing on Post-partum support. Within the huge variation in the types of families that we see in society today, postnatal Doula support is very beneficial to all new parents.
So many of us move away from our families and set up life in a different city, so my mission as a Doulas is to fill in the gaps that "the village" might have filled back in the day. No two families needs are the same, my approach to this work is to bring an "empty bowl" to be filled with the needs and wishes of the new family.
Emotional support is at the core of my work as a Doula. Being a listening ear for new parents, for their birth stories to unfold, their concerns to be told and their need for reassurance to be met, is a big part of my job. I offer practical support for the mother and the baby, with breastfeeding or feeding. And I offer support to the rest of the family by sharing a variety of resources like links, social media groups, local parenting sessions, support groups or organisations where parents can search for more information to support them where required, and when in the mist of oxytocin and happiness for bringing a new soul into the family.

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